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sometimes,ultra COOL; sometimes ultra..ultra.. BORING!!! thats me... 3D animator by profession... i really think,pretending 'wise' is a difficult thing to maintain,so I rather prefer playing fool..

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quick Education...

folks,you guys know which site I frequently visit on at internet?
no...no...no... not that pink or purple pleasure sites you may think of or that so called social networking sites either...
its one of those very simply 'lay-outed' knowledge site WikiPedia...(its literal meaning is this articles title ;quick education)
yeah,I really mean it guys...I'm really addicted to the pages it providing on almost all under the sun...why I think wikipedia,that much special?
from my childhood days itself I have this habit of collecting trivial kind of details on anything that 've some news value..in my village we don't 've a library or reliable source of knowledge to solve many of my doubts or curious querries on some strange things....

we,-me and my bro- painstakingly collect all those paper cuttings and pasted to our used worn out note books,for the reference purpose...always we used to draw illustrations or caricatures ourselves near to that articles if it has no photos with it...(whenever I'm goin my home I take back that old note books and go through the pages with a smile,that how passionately we write down about the humble beginnings of maradonna or how connan Doyle gave second birth to SherlokHomes....oops those were the days....)

so,its difficult for us that time to gather information on what we like...but now,oh boy...its really really simple;be it 12 principles of animation or euclidean geometry it is there....in a well organized manner at wikipedia for FREE! I surf on it for knowledge sometimes and read just as a magazine very often...u know friends, it gave me lot of information on a vriety of subjects...useful and useless as well(nowadays I prefer more of useless subjects to escape this horrible summer hot of hyderabad he..he..)like one of my leisure sport is a ritual somewhere in this globe,or like shakiras IQ is 140,its rather a high mark,or like what's a cameltoe meant by...excuse me if I'm vulgar...
anyway its cool to be with this net phenomenon,
cudos to Wales and Sanger the creators...

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